Development, News

ASYD v1.0.0 is here! Help us support the project

It’s been a while since the last major update, and the reason for this is that we needed to focus on the business side of ASYD, but this week we are bringing you a great update!

We are introducing ASYD v1.0.0, and as you can see we are switching to the Semantic Versioning scheme for the numbering, representing this our first stable release.

Note that this release is not necessarily backwards-compatible. The updater will work for most of you anyway, but in case you have any issues updating just make a backup of the ‘data/’ directory and then copy it over to a new ASYD installation. Take special attention to the Monit deploy as we also updated several things both in the configuration and the def files. If you are new to ASYD just enjoy it 😉

As new features, ASYD now supports clients based on FreeBSD and MacOS (with ports installed to be able of using the ‘install’ command).

We also reworked the way ASYD interacted via SSH with the clients to avoid unnecessary connections, auth.log flooding and in general improving the performance network-wise.

The ‘config file’ and ‘config dir’ commands were redefined to work on a more natural way, so regardless if you need to use sudo or not you can just specify the path where you want your configurations uploaded and ASYD will do all the required steps (like creating recursively the directories to reach the specified path).

As we mentioned above, the Monit deploy has been also updated not only to support the two new operating systems but also to detect the Red Hat firewall and automatically open the Monit port if needed. There’s a lot more bugfixes and improvements you can read in the full release notes.

13y771We need your support to keep this project rolling on a good speed. We are not a big team but this is a big project requiring a lot of work, we can’t be on everything and also keep a decent rate of releases.

If you are either a Ruby developer or a FrontEnd developer you can directly contribute to the project by helping us review the code, implement new features or redesign the user interface (which is not bad but could be a lot better).

If you are a sysadmin, we highly appreciate if you share your deploys with the community.

If you are a user, your feedback is gold for us, so please send us any suggestions or bugs you find while using it by email to [email protected] or via our bugtracker.

And if you are a blogger or just someone who likes the project, you can help us getting more users to test the project by sharing it with your friends and in your networks. As always, you can follow us on facebook, twitter, google plus or star us on github. If you have any questions feel free to email us or comment below!

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